Geting Started with Git and Github

Sometimes the best step forward is a small one. Progress can be something that sneaks up on you if you allow it.

I knew when I started this journey I was going to need to learn small pieces in order to build a bigger picture. One of those small pieces is a process for managing my code before it enters production.

Git is open source software for tracking changes in files, and Github is an online repository for said files. Together, the two are helpful tools for versioning and collaboration.

I've had a Github account for a while, but I wasn't using it efficiently. All of my repositories were ones that I uploaded files directly to, instead of using Git to push them directly from the command line on my computer.

The setup process involved downloading the Windows version of Git, creating a repo on Github for this site's files, and then using PowerShell to run the commands to initialize, commit, and push my files. I, as well as you, can now see them on my Github profile (link to that on the bottom of the sidebar).

Original commit comment.

Next item of business is to have my AWS S3 bucket get updates directly from the Github repo as changes are made. Hopefully it'll take less time for me to get that accomplished than it did between now and July, but the best thing about being your own boss is you get to approve your own deadline extensions.